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	Professeur invité : Allen Hammond

Professeur invité : Allen Hammond

mai 2014

Allen Hammond



Invité de l'EHESS par Nancy L. Green

Laboratoire(s) de rattachement : CRH

Santa Clara Law 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95053 Etats-Unis

ahammond (a)


Professor Allen Hammond IV is a well-regarded scholar and professor of law. He holds the Phil and Bobbie Sanfilippo Chair at Santa Clara University and is director of the Law and Public Policy Program at SCU’s Center for Science, Technology, and Society. A professor at Santa Clara University School of Law since 1998, he currently serves as director of the Broadband  Institute of California. He is the author of many articles and the editor, with Barbara S. Cherry and Stephen S. Wildman, of Making Universal Service Policy: Enhancing the Process Through Multidisciplinary Evaluation (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999).

En savoir plus


Halting Transnational Communication at the Borders ? Media, Law and Anti-Western Criticism in France and the U.S.dans le cadre du séminaire d'Yves Cohen, Cécilia d'Ercole, Nancy L. Green,  Kapil Raj et Mickaël Werner, Histoires et historiographies transnationaleslundi 19 mai de 17h-19h. EHESS (salle 5) - 105, boulevard Raspail - 75006 Paris


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