Parutions | 2016

	<em>Waiting Territories in the America. Life in the Intervals of Migration and Urban Transit</em>

Waiting Territories in the America. Life in the Intervals of Migration and Urban Transit

édité par Alain Musset et Laurent Vidal

Cambridge, Cambridge scholars press, ,  335 p.
Prix : £52.99

Mobility and displacement are major characteristics of contemporary societies. These population shifts are far from fluid, homogeneous or linear, but are, instead, interspersed with a range of longer or shorter periods of waiting. Whether these intervals are technically, administratively or politically motivated, they are often understood in spatial terms: waiting societies have a territorial dimension. This volume examines and assesses the many forms that waiting territories take, in order to better understand their various juridical statuses, their relationships with their spatial environment and specific forms of temporality, and the various economic and social relationships which they foster. The contributions primarily focus on the Americas because this continent is the product of the (voluntary or forced) displacement of various population groups that have themselves left their mark on the territories which they have appropriated. Read more


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